NYHL Travel Hockey
The Newburyport Youth Hockey League was established to teach ice skating and the sport of ice hockey to children up to and including high school age. We are a parent-led, volunteer, non-profit organization.
U8 Mites (Ages 6 - 8)
U10 Squirts (Ages 9 &10)
U12 Peewees (Ages 11 & 12)
U14 Bantams (Ages 13 & 14)
Ages by 12/31/2025
The NYHL Season generally begins the first week in September and ends in early April.
Teams participating in the Valley Hockey League will begin their parity games in the middle of September.
Once the parity round is completed, and teams are seeded appropriately, regular season games will begin.
Playoffs generally begin in March and are completed by the 1st week in April.
Practices are held at the Graf Rink in Newburyport, MA.
Between November & February, each team will have 1 practice a week at Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, NH.
VHL games are scheduled throughout Northeastern MA and are normally a 30-45 min drive.
NYHL Teams practice 2-3 times a week.
Teams will also participate in skills practices throughout the season.
All full time goalies will be invited to participate in goalie specific training at Stop-It Goaltending.
Games are generally held on weekends. Occasionally teams will be scheduled for a game during the week. This happens most frequently during holidays and/or school vacation weeks.
Players will be responsible for purchasing their game uniforms which will include Home and Away Jerseys and Socks. Practice Jerseys will be provided by the league. Players are responsible for their own practice socks.
Frequently Asked Questions
When will we have the new season schedule?
For games, we are at the mercy of the Valley Hockey League. VHL coordinates all the scheduling for games. As soon as VHL posts the schedule, our system updates the team calendars. Please be prepared to not have a set schedule until mid-October. Even then, things can change and shift.
For practices, once the season gets rolling (beginning of Oct) the practices become more consistent with an extra practice thrown in here and there if/when extra ice becomes available.
Player Evaluation Fee: $50/player
Mites (U8) - 2017, 2018, 2019 Birth Years
3/10 @ 7pm and 3/12 @ 6pm
Squirts (U10) - 2015, 2016 Birth Years
3/10 @ 8pm and 3/12 @ 7pm
PeeWees (U12) - 2013, 2014 Birth Years
No scheduled tryout - interest only registration
All players will be evaluated and placed on an NYHL Team. You will receive an offer email following player evaluations with more info.
Acceptance of the offer and the player commitment payment will be due 24hrs after receiving your offer.