Learn to Play Hockey

The Newburyport Youth Hockey Learn to Play Hockey Program is designed for children ages 5 and up and serves as the most basic introduction to the game of hockey and hockey related skills. The program meets locally at the Graf Rink in Newburyport, MA.


The Learn to Play program is appropriate for players age 5 and up.

If you have a player that is almost 5 years old and is interested in participating please reach out to Josh Freeman - joshf@nyhl.org.


Our program is held annually and normally runs from January through the end of February.


Our program is held at the Graf Rink in Newburyport, MA.


Our LTP class meets on Sundays from 9:00am - 9:50am.


This program is designed as a player's 1st introduction to the game of hockey and hockey related skills.

All participants must be able to skate on their own without assistance.



Hockey helmet with full face cage/shield; hockey gloves; hockey stick; skates; knee pads; elbow pads; cut-proof neck guard.

Strongly Recommended:

Full hockey equipment

(Protective cup/jock; shin guards; hockey socks; hockey pants; hockey skates; shoulder pads; elbow pads; practice jersey; hockey helmet with full face cage/shield; hockey gloves; hockey stick; cut-proof neck guard)


For more info please reach out to Ryan Tierney - ryant@nyhl.org

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